We make products with features inside for a life outside. We do this so our customers can make the most of the time they spend pursuing their passions.
With more than 19,000 employees in 80 offices around the world, we bring GPS navigation and wearable technology to the automotive, aviation, marine, outdoor and fitness markets. We believe every day presents opportunities to innovate and do better than yesterday.
We want to be a sustainable company that makes superior products that can be used in cars, aircraft, vessels, nature and while exercising, and play an important role in our customers' lives.
We want to become world leaders in every market we serve and our products should be loved for their attractive design, superior quality and best price-performance ratio.
The foundation of our culture is honesty, integrity and respect for employees, customers and business partners. Every employee strives to serve customers and colleagues by delivering excellence and keeping promises.
Onze duurzaamheidsbelofte
Als voorvechters van het milieu en liefhebbers van het buitenleven, drijft onze toewijding aan respect voor de natuur ons om milieuvriendelijke verpakkingen te omarmen,
We zijn zeker niet faalveilig, maar we streven naar het beste.
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